It's a great day for the United Queendom as the most famous ex wives in herstory have announced a tour. They survived beheadings (Well, they didn't but go with me on this) so a little thing like a global pandemic wasn't going to stop them telling their story.
The phenomenal success story which has seen productions on both the West end and Broadway will be embarking on a special tour of drive-in performances around 12 locations in the country in August and September.

Each show can be attended by 300 vehicles with a maximum of 7 people per car. There will also be an empty space next to each car so you can get out and get down with the Queens.
Shows will follow strict social distancing rules with large screens allowing those further back to see clearly.
The cast will be made up from a mix of the West end and touring productions. Dates are:
Milton Keynes National Bowl - 4th - 8th August. West end cast
Liverpool Central Docks - 11th - 16th August. Tour cast
Leeds East Airport - 11th - 16th August. West end cast
Teesside International Airport - 18th - 23rd August. West end cast
Bolton University of Bolton Stadium - 18th - 23rd August. Tour cast
Lincolnshire Showground - 25th - 27th August. West end cast
Cheltenham Racecourse - 29th - 30th August. West end cast
Bristol Filton Airfield - 25th - 30th August. Tour cast
Edinburgh Royal Highland Centre - 1st - 6th September. Tour cast
Newmarket Racecourse - 1st - 3rd September. West end cast
Bitmingham Resorts World Arena - 5th - 10th September. West end cast
London Colesdale Farm - 8th - 12th September. Tour cast.
Tickets cost:
Car for 2: £55. Premium £80
Car for 3: £75. Premium £109
Car for 4: £95. Premium £138
Car for 5: £115. Premium £167
Car for 6: £135. Premium £196
Car for 7: £155. Premium £225
Premium tickets get you a spot in the first 3 rows and priority exit at the end of the show.
The tour cast are Lauren Drew (Catherine of Aragon), Maddison Bulleyment (Anne Boleyn), Lauren Byrne (Jane Seymour), Shekinah McFarlane (Anna of Cleeves), Jodie Steele (Katherine Howard) and Athena Collins (Catherine Parr) with alternates Jennifer Caldwell, Cassandra Lee and Harriet Watson.
The West end cast are Janeia Richard-Noel (Catherine of Aragon), Courtney Bowman (Anne Boleyn), Natalie Paris (Jane Seymour), Alexia Mcintosh (Anna of Cleeves), Sophie Isaacs (Katherine Howard) and Danielle Steers (Catherine Parr) with alternates Zara Mcintosh, Cherelle Jay and Hana Stewart.
Tickets go on sale on Friday 3rd July with a presale taking place on Tuesday 30th June at 8am
This is a brilliantly creative way to keep shows going until theatres are safe to reopen. A few concerts have already had drive in dates on sale with some selling out instantly. Let's hope more shows follow suit.