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Review: Police Cops In Space (Underbelly Festival)

Review by Daz Gale




It’s no secret that we are huge fans of Police Cops at All That Dazzles, with our love affair beginning with a review of Police Cops: Badass Be Thy Name early last year. This love affair increased with the appearance of their pretty incredible foray into musical theatre, conveniently titled Police Cops: The Musical. After two successful seasons at both Southwark Playhouse’s last year and this and while we wait for a hopeful return at some point, the comedy group is bringing another show to London to whet the appetites of their increasing fanbase as Police Cops In Space returns as part of London’s Underbelly Festival. Would this show prove to be as equally arresting as the others?

The comedy group known as ‘Police Cops’ were born in 2014 and featured three men specialising in highly physical comedy. Among their four shows thus far is Police Cops In Space ­– an intergalactic whirlwind spoof that debuted at Edinburgh Fringe in 2017 and enjoyed a sellout run at Soho Theatre. The story sees the last Police Cop in the universe, Sammy Johnson, blast off to a distant planet where he must team up with an Alien fighter pilot and his trusty cyborg on his mission to become the best damn police cop… in space.


Written and performed by Zachary Hunt, Nathan Parkinson, and Tom Roe, they truly are masters in their craft, creating a wacky style of comedy that feels every bit as cleverly crafted as it is chaotic. The joy they share in crafting these shows is infectious to witness, making it impossible for audiences not to jump into the madness and fall in love themselves. Through a speedy 50 minutes, we are transported to a world where police cops are no more in a show that takes place after the events of The Musical. Fans of that musical will be delighted by some similar and identical jokes, bringing a sense of familiarity to Police Cops' unique sense of style. Those who enjoyed the physicality involved in the musical will love how much more of that there is in Police Cops In Space with the performers using any opportunity to exercise or showcase what good shape they are in… this time with a bit of nudity added for good measure.

While Police Cops In Space doesn’t feature the same production value as The Musical, this doesn’t detract from the piece at all, as it is the comedy and the performances themselves that enrapture audiences and this show is no exception. If I were to be critical (which I guess comes with the territory), it is fair to say the hit rate of jokes doesn’t quite match the dizzying heights of The Musical, but when treating this as a stand-alone piece of theatre, it still manages to have the audience roaring with laughter and embracing the deceptively clever stupidity that goes with the Police Cops brand.


Where Police Cops In Space truly shines is when the cast improvises, with several moments in the story allowing them to make something up on the spot, and the other cast members having to go with it. This can create the most random and non-sensical bits of narrative as you witness the performers reacting to the unexpected words coming out of their mouths. This often leads to the most laugh-out-loud satisfying moments of the story, particularly when Zachary Hunt forgot to interrupt Tom Roe, leaving him struggling to keep going. It is the moments things go wrong that showcase this team's brilliance and adaptability. Naturally funny writers and even funnier performers, the result is a riotous whistle-stop tour of space that makes Star Wars seem unnecessarily lengthy in comparison.

If you have loved any of Police Cops' previous shows, you are bound to adore this one, purely for the opportunity to return to their weird and wonderful world – similarly, those not familiar with their brand of comedy are sure to be converted in this short taster of all this genius comedy group can do. While Police Cops In Space may not be perfect, the chaotic madness of it all is all part of its charm – though not quite the best damn Police Cops show ever, it is most definitely the best damn Police Cops show in space.


Police Cops In Space returns to Underbelly Festival, Cavendish Square from 14th – 18th August. Tickets from 

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1 Comment

Aug 08

Great content! Always relevant and engaging. Solar

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