A few bits of theatre news have come out over the last 24 hours so here's a quick round up of it all.

Some sad news came out from the other side of the pond last night. In a move nobody expected, Frozen became the first musical to announce it will not be reopening on Broadway when theatres reopen (hopefully) later this year.
The show opened in New York in 2018 but the decision has been made to close the show as Disney feel post-pandemic Broadway can not sustain three Broadway musicals simultaneously so the priority will go to The Lion King and Aladdin. As a major Disney fan, Frozen was my favourite by far of the three musicals but each to their own. My thoughts go out to all of the cast and creative who took their last bow with the show without knowing in March.
I don't like to speculate about things before they are formally announced as there is too much negativity and uncertainty regarding the future of theatre at the moment. However, there did seem to be a slip up in the original Playbill article worth mentioning. The article mentioned that the West end production, due to open this October, will now not open until next year. This won't come as a total surprise as the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, where Frozen is due to open, has been in a major refurbishment since January 2019. The world shutting down over the last few months will have put a delay in that so it did look increasingly likely it wouldn't be ready to open in October.
Nothing has been officially announced as yet though so there is still a bit of hope this spectacular show can open here this side of Christmas.

A new streaming platform has been announced called 'Broadway On Demand', it goes live on May 17th. It will feature exclusive launch titles - The most exciting of which is Allegiance starring Broadway legend Lea Salonga and Star Trek icon George Takei.
Keep referring back to my Dates For Your Diary post for all upcoming online streams and downloads: https://allthatdazzles.wixsite.com/allthatdazzles/post/dates-for-your-diary-forthcoming-online-theatre

The first picture has come out from the forthcoming movie adaptation of Everybody's Talking About Jamie. Due to be released in cinemas on October 21st, the picture shows Max Harwood as Jamie and Richard E. Grant as Hugo/Logo Chanelle. After the year we're all having, it's nice to have something to look forward to - this will bring us a much needed bit of glitter in the grey.

Don't forget tonight marks the last installment of Andrew Lloyd Webbers streaming series. Cats will premiere at 7pm and will be available for 24 hours only in the UK. If you miss it, it will be on Sky Arts shortly after. Join me in watching it at youtube.com/theshowsmustgoon