Following last weeks announcement that the Regents Park Open Air Theatre is re-opening for a short summer run next month, a brand new open air theatre in London has announced details of its opening and debut production.
The Garden Theatre opens in Kennington. Its debut production will be a revival of Fanny and Stella directed by Steven Dexter with musical staging by Nick Winston.

The show runs from August 3rd to August 25th and will star Kinky Boots' Jed Berry and The Sound Of Music's Kane Verrall. Further casting is to be announced. Producer Peter Bull said: "We are taking baby steps as we venture into the brave new world of open-air socially distanced performances. We are only performing three shows a week initially but we aim to increase this after a successful launch." Social distancing rules will be applied in the theatre with all audience members required to wear face masks. Tickets can be purchased from This is great news - a new theatre and any new shows are always welcome. Looks like August is going to be a great month for the return of live theatre.